Linked: Breathing & Postural Control (Day- 1 of the 3-day Mary Massery BREATHING COURSE)Audience: PT, PTA, OT, COTA, SLP
Course Level: Intermediate Course Date: March 11-12, 2022 (Friday and Saturday) Live Virtual Time: Check in time both days: 8:15-8:30 am Course time: Friday: 8:30-1:20 pm and Saturday: 8:30-12:15 pm Format: LIVE interactive online course (via Zoom) Contact hours: 8 contact hours Course Fee: $195 Course intended to be completed in full. No partial credit will be granted for this course. By completing this course, you are eligible to take the 2-day live lab course we are offering.
The scheduled date for the lab portion of course is in June 25-26, 2022, although this date is subject to change due to COVID-19 numbers and our ability to safely hold live in person courses.
(Fairview employees need to complete 2-day lab through Fairview).
Please email [email protected] to inquire. PT/PTA: The course will be submitted to the MN Board of PT for approval.
OT/OTA: You will receive a certificate of course completion with total CE contact hours. M HEALTH
Fairview is no longer an approved provider through AOTA and has never been for distance learning. You may still submit the hours towards your licensure and receive a certificate of completion with all information to submit. For additional information about CE requirements for license, please see MN Statute 148.6443:
SLP: This course is registered through ASHA. Hours for partial credit attended will be adjusted on your course certificate and ASHA logo removed. You may still be able to submit the hours attended towards your licensure.
Group Discounts:
If two people from the same organization register for a course, each person will receive a 10% discount. Three or more registered will receive a 15% discount. Please email or call ahead of time with the names of the people who will be registering as a group, [email protected] or 612-672-5607.
For Group discounts: USE CODE rehab10 for 10% discount and rehab15 for 15% discount for group.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellation Fee will apply
Course description:
This course, developed by Mary Massery, will challenge the practitioner to make a paradigm shift: connecting breathing mechanics and postural control with management of trunk pressures. Using Dr. Massery’s model of postural control (Soda Pop Can Model), the speaker will link breathing mechanics with motor and physiologic behaviors (a multi-system perspective). The speaker will present novel research demonstrating the role of vocal folds as postural stabilizers, extending the concept of “core stability” from the vocal folds on the top of the trunk to the pelvic floor on the bottom. Numerous interventions will be presented that use positioning and ventilatory strategies to optimize motor performance. Multiple patient cases will be presented throughout the course. The emphasis of the course will be on developing practical, quick clinical solutions for pediatric and adult patients in all practice settings. Instructor: Dr. Massery received her BS in Physical Therapy from Northwestern University in 1977, her DPT from the University of the Pacific in 2004 and her DSc from Rocky Mountain University in 2011. Her publications and interests focus on linking motor behaviors to breathing and/or postural mechanics in both pediatric and adult patient populations. Dr. Massery has been invited to give over 900 professional presentations in all 50 US states and in 18 countries worldwide, including more than 100 presentations for the American Physical Therapy Association. Mary’s research pioneered the concept of managing trunk pressures as a new way to visualize core stabilization. She has delivered keynote and major addresses on topics such as cystic fibrosis and posture, pectus excavatum (chest deformities), connections between posture & breathing, and PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation). Mary has received national awards from the APTA, including its highest clinical award, The Florence Kendall Practice Award, honoring “one’s outstanding and enduring contributions to the practice of physical therapy." She has been honored as Outstanding Alumnus of the Year by each of her 3 universities. She was also awarded Northwestern University’s Alumnae Research Achievement Award. Mary continues to maintain a private practice in Chicago, specializing in breathing and postural dysfunction. Disclosure: Mary receives a honoraria for speaking and teaching on this topic form Fairview Rehabilitation Services
Non-Financial disclosure: Mary has no none financial relationships to disclose
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: